Meet the Nomad: Marketing Round the World

Meet the Nomad: Marketing Round the world

Marketing is one of the most popular fields for digital nomads. How does one come to a point where you can take off to explore the world while still doing your best at work?

Meet Adam — a New York-based specialist in digital marketing and brand strategy, who’s also an aspiring traveler. Adam started his journey as a nomad quite some time ago and worked through most of his trips.

How many countries have you been to?

35 for now!

Digital Marketing is a quite popular field among digital nomads and remote workers. How did you become a nomad?

I studied and worked in London for about 4 years. After that, I moved back to New York and started looking for a “real job” in marketing. But this usually takes a while, so I began freelancing for some extra money to last through my job hunt.

Eventually, I realized that freelancing was a real job, and I had enough projects to sustain myself without a corporate position. With that came the added benefit of being able to work remotely often.

What are your favorite nomad destinations?

I love Barcelona, Mexico City, and Rome. Any small beach town in Southern California makes a great option too!

What’s the best thing about the nomad lifestyle?

For me, it's the ability to stay in foreign cities long enough to meet locals and experience a more authentic lifestyle there.

What would you call the biggest challenge for nomads?

When you take on the nomad journey, you often have to give up a consistent routine at home and move a lot. Sometimes it can become really exhausting to always feel “on the go”. But the experiences always make it worth it!

If you’d have to give advice to aspiring nomads, what would it be?

My best advice is to be consistent and patient! Reaching the point where I can head off for a couple of months at a time while still managing client expectations wasn’t an overnight process. It was something that came in gradual steps. So find your clients, do your job well and patiently, gain the market’s trust, and move on to explore!

Tell us your story of how you became a nomad! Contact Digital Barbaros on social media or via [email protected]